Youth Ministry

Growing Together in God's Love

Sixth Grade through Twelfth Grade Sunday School 
9:00 to 9:45am

The Youth Ministry of Living Faith Church guides youth in sixth through twelfth grade to seek and love God and love and serve people. Our Youth Ministry creates ways for youth to explore a relationship with Christ and build relationships with other Christ-following youth and adults. The program is led by Patti and Ted Van Dorn.  

Discipleship and Training

The Youth Ministry Sunday School begins at 9:00 am.  Our Youth Ministry seeks to create an engaging environment where students can experience Jesus Christ, build healthy friendships with other teens, and begin a lifelong journey with God.

We want every student to encounter the Lord Jesus Christ. We want to disciple, train, and empower students to understand, proclaim and share the Gospel of Christ with classmates, friends, and strangers through the power of the Holy Spirt and His leading.

We’re excited to welcome you to our youth ministery program. Please pre-register if first time attending.