
To lead everyone to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior by sharing the Gospel through our words and deeds.


To seek increasingly to love and glorify God in all aspects of our lives, and to share the Gospel of salvation through God’s grace with everyone. In our discipleship, prayers, and worship, we seek to follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance to transform the world in accordance with God’s plan for His kingdom.


We believe in the one true God who exists in three distinct, coequal persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe the Holy Bible is God’s word, given to humans as our supreme authority and guide for all aspects of faith, practice, and daily living.

We believe Jesus Christ is our one and only, living and eternal, Lord and Savior.

We believe salvation is available to everyone who receives God’s freely given gift of grace, which liberates us from the power of sin and empowers us to live as God’s obedient and joy-filled disciples.

Our Logo

The Living Faith Church was designed with two foundational concepts in mind. Connection - the interwoven lines and shapes symbolize the unity and harmony within our congregation, emphasizing the importance of fellowship and mutual support. Christ-Centered - all the components within the logo form a cross, serving as a visual representation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the central essence of our church. The logo is simple, dynamic, and bold, ensuring ease of readability and making sure it is an emblem that stands the test of time.

Our color palette holds meaningful symbolism: Red-Orange symbolizes the lively warmth and affection we share as a community of believers. Slate Grey-Blue represents our firm biblical foundation, with Christ as the bedrock of our faith. Tan, a neutral and warm tone, signifies the peace our Savior has graciously brought into our lives.

Brand Design by: Diego Mota

“Living Faith Church is a Global Methodist congregation”