Meet Our Missionaries

We will have the pleasure of having visits from some of our mission partners in the upcoming weeks.

  • September 15- Peter and Esther Pereira (South Asia)

    • Peter will share the message during service.

  • October 6- R and S (Middle East)

    • They will join us during Sunday School time for refreshments and stories and will share during the service as well.

September 29, All Church Picnic - Save the date, details to follow.

October 12, Next Feed My Starving Children meal packing day.

October 26th from 2:00-4:00 we will host a Trunk or Treat in Living Faith’s parking lot. We are seeking trunks and people to host their trunks providing candy or goodies to trick or treaters. 

Saturdays, Men’s Bible Study at Church 7:00am - 8:30am

New 12 Week Sermon Series beginning Sunday June 23rd.

1. Our God: One God,   a.(2) Who is God?

2. Our God: Three In One,   a.(3)What is the Mystery of the Trinity?

3. The Son of God: Jesus Christ,   a.(8) Is the Son God?

4. Paraclete: The Holy Spirit,   a.(21) Is the Holy Spirit God?

5. The Fallen vs. the Risen,   a.(46) What is the natural state of humanity?

6. The Gift of Grace,   a.(13) How does God reconcile us in Christ?

7.The Living Word,   a.(25) Where is the truth about salvation to be found?

8.The People and the Body,   a. (28) Who constitutes the church?

9. You Must Be Born Again!  a.(63) How does regeneration allow us to live as children of God?

10.Secure and Assured,  a.(60) How can we be assured of this pardon?

11. A Living Faith,   a.(68) How is sanctification lived out?

12. New Heaven and New Earth,  a.(77) What is the final work of grace in us?

(a. From the Catechism of Christian Faith and Doctrine for the Global Methodist Church) (LINK)