Living Faith Missions
The Great Commission - Matthew 28: 16-20
16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Faith Promise
We invite our congregation to prayerfully seek God’s guidance in giving to missions over and above regular tithes and offerings. It’s an act of faith, trusting that God will provide additional means throughout the year to give specifically to missions. For each person or family these funds may come in unique ways: for some it may be unexpected income that is received, for others it may simply be through redirecting some of their discretionary spending to missions, while others may use talents of gifts to raise additional funds to use for missions.
Living Faith Mission Values
Sharing the good news of God’s love and salvation with the whole world near and far.
Living missionally in our everyday lives.
Evangelism, church planting, leadership development, social justice, and providing basic needs for those in financial need.
Partnering with local mission partners and serving locally.
Partnering with international mission partners and serving internationally.
Providing financial support to both local and international mission partners.
Local and International Missions ----
Local and International Missions ----
(Click on image for more information)
Joy in the Harvest Story
Our Mission: Strengthen the Church in Africa. People need the Lord. Joy in the Harvest is dedicated to helping people find salvation in Christ and experience His love in their lives. We believe in ministering to the whole person.
Our statement of purpose is: “To provide expertise and resources needed by the church in Africa for making Christian disciples.” Christ’s love compels us to rise up and meet the challenges of poverty, disease and spiritual lostness. Africa’s children need a future with hope and joy. Every African needs to know the Lord.
Global Hope Partners minister to the Least and Lost in South Asia and beyond. Through a combination of Humanitarian Aid ministries, Education projects and Community Development programs, God's love is shared to those in dire need.
Piotr & Benia Gasiorowski
Devoted to God, Devoted to people. We want to reach people beyond stereotypes, where they are and lead them to a relationship with God and the development of their potential. We want to manifest our devotion to God by reaching people where they are in life and showing them the beauty and uniqueness of God. We are ready to break stereotypes and help everyone, without exception, get to know God and build relationships with Him.
D & K have been working overseas in Muslim communities for the last 16 years. D's focus is bringing the message of God's love to people through translation and Scripture engagement. D & his team produce multimedia Scripture resources in the heart language of the people and share it widely through social media, community engagement initiatives, and relationship networks. K's focus is supporting mental health needs in the community through clinical counseling.