Adult Ministry

“Salt and Light” Study Group
Sunday Mornings
9:00 to 9:45am

This group’s discussion focuses on Bible lessons, Advent and Lenten series studies, and current events. The group’s leaders are Char Brower and Carolyn Tsikouris.

Faith Huddle-Study Group Sunday Mornings 9:00 to 9:45 am

Offering Topical Life Application Bible-based Studies

We will study how the lives of the early disciples of Christ were transformed and empowered by the Holy Sprit. As followers of Jesus, we can experience that same transformational power in our lives today. The group offers opportunites to facilitate discussions, sharing time, and closing prayer. Group leaders are Fred Kviz and Linda Kviz.

Scripture-Based Study Group Sunday Mornings 9:00 to 9:45am 

This group allows for the inquisitive and independent thinker to seek and grow spiritually in one’s life journey with God.  The leaders of the group are Don McArthur-Self and Randy Hoyle.  

Men’s Bible Study Group Saturday Mornings 7:00 to 8:30 am

This group of men meets in the church to focus on our collective walk with God by praying together; studying the Bible and reading other faith-based books written by such authors as John Ortberg, Kyle Idleman, and Mark Batterson; sharing fun and fellowship; serving on community projects; and very importantly, holding each other accountable. The group’s leader is Ted Van Dorn.

Adult Discipleship

Come join our Adult groups, where we wholeheartedly pursue God, grow together, and foster strong bonds with fellow believers. Let's journey in faith and friendship.