We are honored that you have chosen to visit us online. Below are some questions guests often have before visiting Living Faith Church. If we can help with something else, please contact us through the form below or by calling.

2012 Wicklow Road Naperville, Illinois  60564

Sunday Classes

Sunday Service

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 9423
Naperville, Illinois  60567 


What are the Sunday services like?

Our 10:00 am service is a Blended Service. Blended simply means we are free to bring in the styles and elements we need for each Sunday especially when it comes to music, graphics, and liturgy. There is also a time of fellowship before and after the service in our fellowship gathering area.

We are also online and invite you to join us live on YouTube or view our past service recordings at any time that best fits your schedule. YouTube

Must I be a member of Living Faith Church to partake in Communion?

The Communion Table is open to anyone who seeks right relationship with God. From children to adults, members or first time worshippers all who come are welcome to take part in this Holy Mystery. The Global Methodist tradition is to serve grape juice rather than wine as part of this openness. 

Is there a dress code at Living Faith Church?

“Mortals look on the outward appearance but the Lord looks on the heart.” – 1 Samuel 16:7

We encourage you to wear what makes you feel comfortable. When you worship with us you will find people in a whole range of dress depending on the weather, from shorts to casual and business dress. We encourage you to come as you are and experience the love of Christ.

How early should I arrive for service?

On your first visit we encourage you to arrive 10-15 minutes before the start of worship.  This will help you not feel rushed in finding a parking space and navigating around our building. You can also enjoy a cup of coffee and maybe a sweet treat. Friendly volunteers stand ready there to help you with any questions or directions you may need.  In fact you can fill out the form below letting us know you are coming and to keep an eye out to meet you.

Where do my children go during service?

All are welcome in the Worship Service. Children’s Worship Bags which include a toy and activities are available for use during the worship service.

Our Nursery is available from 10:00am – 11:00am every Sunday for children, infants through 5 years old. 

Sunday School is available for children, K through 5th grade from 9:00am - 9:45am. It includes Lessons about the Bible, Crafts and Snacks.

Sunday School Lessons for Youth, 6th through 12th grade are available from 9:00am - 9:45am.

To receive more information about Living Faith Church or to help us welcome you on your first visit, please complete the contact information form.